How Does Your Basketball Program Compare?
How would you like to benchmark your community's Recreational Basketball Program against hundreds of others in the U.S.?
While there is general agreement as to the mission and goals of a recreational basketball program, the reality is there are huge differences in the way programs in the U.S. are structured and run, and more so than the other major team sports. With limited resources, most local programs don't have the time to monitor changes and improvements that other programs are making. There are also some trends that have emerged in how leagues structure and run their programs, how they incrementally advance skills in young players, and techniques used to make the experience fun for young players and "keep them coming back!"
We invite you to participate in this free benchmarking survey, and receive a copy of the resulting report. The survey covers topics such as clinic and game formats, defenses allowed, use of small sided games, equipment usage, the dilemma of combining grades, coaching certifications, participation rates, and registration fees. The report will provide you with valuable insights, and will be a great reference point as you consider changes to your program.
Simply fill out the survey included below! It only takes about 10 minutes to complete...